I write FFXIV fanfiction. A few favorites are linked below, and everything here is found on my AO3!
Chaptered fics
The Spaces in Between
Unnamed f!wol/G'raha Tia, rated E, 58k (complete)Song of a Weary Soul
Unnamed f!wol/G'raha Tia, rated E, in progressObsidian Heart
Named f!wol/Sidurgu Orl, rated E, 18.5k (complete)
Oneshots and standalone fics
Letters to the Lost
4.7k, rated M, ambiguous WoL/G'raha TiaNothing so noble
3.1k, rated G, G'raha Tia & Edmont de Fortemps, background ambiguous wolgrahaEre thy work may cease
4.2k, rated M, G'raha Tia/Urianger AugureltThunder III
3.7k, rated E, unnamed f!wol/G'raha Tia
About Me
I was always the kid who wanted to grow up to be an author. I just never grew out of it.I've been writing on and off for as long as I can remember, but I only got started with fanfiction with FFXIV in late 2021. The Spaces in Between was my first and ignited in me a real love of writing fanfic.I have a BA in journalism, an MA in creative writing, and an MA in history. In the past, I've been an acquiring editor for a romance publisher, a developmental editor for a sci-fi/fantasy publisher, a reporter and news editor, headed several anthology projects, and published works of original fiction. (For the sake of privacy, I will not list any of those here.)On top of that, it's MMOs that really got me into reading and writing fantasy in the first place, and I credit the worldbuilding in the Warcraft series for a lot of my early interest.In FFXIV, in addition to the story, I simply love playing the game. I'm a tank main in savage raids and spend an embarrassing amount of time crafting and gathering.Outside of games, I love reading (obviously) and music, and once upon a time I played in a nationally renowned college wind symphony in the US.
My WoLs
Anora Danae

Pronouns: she/herAge: 29Race: Au Ra (Xaela)Canon job(s): Dark KnightI'm working on an in-depth lore carrd for Anora, who is my main WoL. Stand by!
Thya Zhwan

Pronouns: she/theyAge: 24Race: Miqo'te (Keeper of the Moon)Canon job(s): Black Mage/Reaper hybrid ("Voidwarden")
Melly Reed

Pronouns: she/herAge: 35Race: Hyur (Midlander)Canon job(s): Scholar, Sage
Status: Closed
Keep an eye on my Twitter for updates
Please read this whole page
before requesting a commission!You must be 18+ to commission me, regardless if your commission request is SFW/not sexual in nature. All communication must be through Discord or Twitter.Commissions are not FCFS.If you made your way here, you're probably familiar with my writing, but if not, make sure you take a peek at my AO3 to see if you like my style before commissioning me.
£40 per 1k words for the first 4k
£50 per 1k words past 4k
Minimum 1k words, recommended minimum 2k words
Types of commissions
SFW Commissions: Fics that do not feature sexual content and are often focused more on character development, action, etc. These can still be romantic, just not explicit. Example 1, Example 2NSFW Commissions: Fics that feature or allude to explicit sexual content. These can be in varying detail:
Any type of commissions can be any length and feature varying amounts of plot, but please keep in mind that the more plot is involved, the longer the fic will need to be. It's easier to write something short if you're requesting a smut snippet, while telling a complete story will take more space.I recommend 1-2k word requests be used for smut scenes/porn without plot. If you'd like more in the way of character development, plot, setup, or even just more detailed explicit scenes, I recommend 3k minimum, and I tend to find that I tell a "complete" story best in 4-5k words, which is reflected in the length of most of my oneshots.I prefer to be given a target word count and a maximum word count. If the product feels like it will greatly exceed your ideal word count/budget, or if I feel your target word count won't work for the commission you're requesting, I'll contact you and we can discuss options.
I will write:
FFXIV fanfiction only
OC/NPC (WoL or non-WoL)
Reader/NPC or Reader/OC on a case-by-case basis
Any genders/sexualities/relationship dynamics/etc.
Non-sexual/non-romantic relationships of any kind (family, friends, etc.)
Solo pieces/character studies
Most kinks, excepting some listed below
I am, first and foremost, a romance writer, and my background in writing/editing/publishing is largely romance with a side of SFF/video game tie-in work.I'm open to writing just about any subject matter barring the things listed below. I thrive on angst and I love romantic tension, but I'm flexible. If you're not sure or you'd like to discuss it beforehand, dm me on Twitter.I will never judge any request! If you're unsure of something, feel free to contact me and ask.
I will not write:
Pregnancy/baby fic. Personal squick, sorry!
NSFW underage ships (SFW okay IF both characters are of similar age and there is no sexual allusion, reviewed on a case-by-case basis)
Egregious gore (violence and blood is fine but not in vivid detail, no torture porn, etc.)
Kinks involving bathroom play, feet, vore
Anything about bugs. This is non-negotiable lol.
I reserve the right to decline any commission request for any reason including those not listed above.
Contact me to discuss:
Kinks involving blood, extreme degradation, dubcon, noncon. Anything you might consider to be on the "extreme" side, etc., just ask!
Private fic (not posted to AO3)
Any other questions you may have
The Process
If your commission request is chosen, I will contact you via Discord or Twitter to let you know you've got a slot, double check the info you provide on the form, confirm the estimated price, and ask any clarifying questions I may have.Once I get started, I will send you an outline and a sample of how I plan to write it (voice, tone, etc.). Once that's approved, I'll start writing.When my full draft is done, we'll check in about word count and price, and then I'll send a PayPal invoice. You may ask for revisions after this and you'll be able to approve a final draft before the fic is shared. Once the invoice is paid and revisions complete, I'll do a copy editing pass before sharing the final publicly.All commissioned fics will be posted on my AO3 unless agreed upon beforehand, but I strongly prefer them to be posted and will only consider private fics in extenuating circumstances.
Turnaround time
Expect commissions of up to 4,000 words to take 5-6 weeks to complete, though I aim to finish sooner. Longer fics will take longer, and I'll make sure to discuss this with you before I get started.If circumstances arise that delay the fic on my end, I will be transparent about the reasons and keep you updated on when you can expect the work to be done.
Payment must be carried out via PayPal and is due at delivery of the first complete draft. I will send a PayPal invoice to the email address you provide on the Google form.The final price will be based on the actual word count of the draft, not the target or maximum word count we discuss before I start work. This is why it's helpful to list a max word count in the request. If the final count will vary drastically from the target/max, I will contact you.Payments will be non-refundable except in the case of issues on my end that prevent completion of the work after the first draft is sent.
The nitty gritty technical stuff
I write in both past and present tense depending on the style of the piece. Sometimes I'll start in one and decide it fits better in the other, then swap them. If you have a preference, let me know. Otherwise, I'll use whatever I feel works better.All my editing is done using the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition. If, for some reason, you care, I'm comfortable with a variety of styles in both American and British English.I also offer freelance copy editing and proofreading services at a price of £0.02 and £0.015 per word respectively. This is not a service you need for fanfiction, but if you have a separate writing project and need an editor, feel free to contact me and ask about it.
Q: Why are your prices higher than [other fanfic writer]'s commissions?A: My prices are based on my hourly work rate and comparable to the writing and editing work I have done in the past. This hourly rate is just writing and doesn't include time spent on research, reading, editing, etc.If you ask me, a lot of writers should raise their comm prices.
Q: Why are your prices in GBP?A: I live in the UK and it's easier on me for PayPal invoice and tax purposes.
Q: Why do you prefer all commissions be posted to AO3?A: Simply put, it's like building a portfolio or a resume. Artists use their commissions as examples for potential future commissions. This is what I'm trying to do.